The Ultimate Guide to a Contactless Ecosystem


Earlier this month, it was concluded that more than 500,000 restaurants were affected by the COVID-19 lockdown. The limitations formed by local governments led to extreme difficulties in managing operations, finding staff, ensuring the supply of raw materials and ultimately, caused a fall in business due to the direct decrease in the number of customers.

The restaurant business in India is one of the larger elements in the service sector, accounting for approximately 3% of India’s gross domestic product and employing 7.3 million people. The feeling of helplessness has driven restaurants and food tech companies to look for, and design solutions that are more situationally aware and can be accommodated by an extremely large number of food businesses that will soon need to start working once again.

Contactless ordering systems have become the latest development in the restaurant industry. From a safety perspective, these models enable diners to maintain social distance while enjoying a dining environment.

For restauranteurs, contactless systems offer a unique, quick and smooth method for serving diners. Additionally, they help increase profit margins while saving manpower expenditure. What the lockdown has done is pretty much fast forward the digitisation of the sector by about five years.

Devourin’s Contactless Ordering System provides an unmatched and unparalleled customer experience through a digital menu. The ecosystem is hygienic, convenient and digitized from start to end.

The solution helps establishments reduce operational costs and improve margins while saving costs on manpower.

In addition to that, our solution has no hardware investment, supports dine-in, pre-orders, takeaway and online home delivery orders. The dynamic work area lets you change and update the menu as often as you want, from whenever you want. End to end integration with social media channels helps you stay connected with customers with no extra cost.

COVID-19 has not only been a devastating public-health crisis; it has also been the restaurant industry’s greatest challenge to date. Never before have so many restaurants been forced to cease operations; some will never reopen.

However, restaurants that plan ahead to adapt and refine their restaurant model for the “next to normal” will be better positioned to bring sales back to pre-crisis levels.

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